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This page is by no means intended to be an exhaustive list of alternative therapies, but contains many things I am familiar with.  If you know of any other things that should be added to this list, please .

Today, the fascist drug companies and insurance companies have taken over control of our medical system so that it is now an issue of profits and control, instead of genuinely trying to help people get well.  Unfortunately, it is the patients and many doctors who are getting the short end of the stick.  Many doctors are leaving the profession because they are sick of the politics while their patients have been made sick by the very same politics.



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Patented Colloidal Silver by Silver Biotics   

I am normally not in the habit of recommending the use of colloidal silver products because there are so many of them out there and you just don't know what you are getting. 

However, I came across a form of colloidal silver (or in this case, a SilverSol Technology) produced by Silver Biotics (formerly American Biotech Labs or ABL) that is VERY DIFFERENT because it is the ONLY patented form of colloidal silver on the market that has been PROVEN to kill any virus, bacteria (except good bacteria), pathogen, parasite, malaria, the very worst staph infection such as MRSA, etc. that it has been tested on, and in record time.  It is completely NON-TOXIC and safer than anti-biotics.  There has been no reported deaths from the medicinal use of silver, in comparison antibiotics kill an estimated 100,000 plus people annually.  It has been tested in some of the best labs in the country on some of the nastiest diseases on the planet and killed them completely (in vitro) faster than anything else there is.  It has been shown to work better than antibiotics or improve the effectiveness of antibiotics when used in conjunction with them.  It absolutely CANNOT give you Argyria ("blue-man syndrome", a non-toxic, medically benign condition), when taken at recommended dosages, because it is a highly purified METALLIC/CATALYTIC SILVER that cannot be metabolized by the body and that will pass out of your body completely unaltered in just two days.

Most all colloidal silvers can only kill one bacteria or virus per particle of silver and then they become useless.  However, ABL's SilverSol silver particles have been engineered to kill and keep on killing (using catalytic technology) every bacteria, virus, etc. that they come in contact with until they eventually pass out of the body.  It does not "die" like the other forms of colloidal silver.  That is what makes it so effective.

It is sold under different names such as Essential Silver, The New Silver Solution, and directly by Silver Biotics, but they are all produced (in different formulations) by Silver Biotics with their patented process.  It can be used for many ailments: colds, flu, infections of all kinds (including yeast infections in women), cuts, burns, etc.  The list is almost endless.  Here are some essential links:

Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin) is a controversial treatment for cancer because some people died as a result of using it as a last resort when they didn't want to deal anymore with the current "orthodox" methods of treatment. There are, however, many true stories of people who survived cancer using B17 after all "orthodox" treatment methods failed and were "sent home to die".  Vitamin B17, to be affective, must be used as a FIRST LINE OF ATTACK and then supplemented with other things/treatments (including orthodox) if necessary.

Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin) therapy is one of the most popular and best known alternative cancer treatments. It is very simple to use and is very effective if used in high enough doses, if the product is of high quality, and if it is combined with an effective cancer diet and key supplements (in other words, you need to do your homework to maximize its benefits).  Vitamin B17 works by killing cancer cells and building the immune system to fend off future outbreaks of cancer. It uses two different methods for killing cancer cells. It involves a strict diet (as do all cancer treatments) and several supplements.  Here are some essential links:

Dr. Joel D. Wallach DVM ND, is a biomedical research pioneer, who spent more than 40 years observing and researching the effects of individual nutrients on health. His innovative perspective is derived from his background in veterinary medicine.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach DVM ND, is a biomedical research pioneer, who spent more than 40 years observing and researching the effects of individual nutrients on health. His innovative perspective is derived from his background in veterinary medicine. In order to keep animal products such as meat and dairy affordable, it is essential to prevent and cure disease. Through extensive medical research, Dr. Wallach was able to pinpoint the cause of many diseases as nutrient deficiencies. By replacing the missing essential nutrients with special formulas in the animal feed, a signiicant discovery was made. Disease can be cured, ailments eliminated and life prolonged simply by giving the body what it needs to "heal itself".

Today, Dr. Wallach is renowned for his groundbreaking research on the health benefit of selenium and other minerals. He sued the FDA 8 times and won, so the health industry can now say: Folic Acid is crucial in preventing certain birth defects; Selenium reduces certain types of cancer by up to 70%; and Omega 3 Fatty Acids reduce Cardiovascular Heart Disease. By educating the public, the occurrence of these nutrient related deaths can be reduced by by 50-70%.

Dr. Wallach and his nutritional supplements have successfully treated many people with diseases including Muscular Dystrophy, SIDS, cardio-vascular issues, arthritis, legal-blindness, and many, many more!

Please check out these links below, especially Dr. Wallach's entertaining videos!

The Center for Food Safety works to protect human health and the environment by curbing the proliferation of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture. CFS has offices in Washington, DC and San Francisco, CA

Welcome to Mission Possible World Health International. Mission Possible World Health International was founded by Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum and is headquartered in Duluth, Georgia.  On our site you will find lots of information about the substance known as aspartame and the effects it has on you, others, and the environment. If you have any questions or concerns about this deadly substance please contact us and we'll be glad to help you.


Please note that this website recommends Real Milk--that is, milk that is full-fat, unprocessed, and from pasture-fed cows. We do NOT recommend consumption of raw milk from conventional confinement dairies or dairies which produce milk intended for pasteurization. Nor do we recommend the consumption of lowfat or skim raw milk--there are important protective factors in the butterfat. Real Milk, that is, raw whole milk from grass-fed cows (fed pasture, hay and silage), produced under clean conditions and promptly refrigerated, contains many anti-microbial and immune-supporting components; but this protective system in raw milk can be overwhelmed, and the milk contaminated, in situations conducive to filth and disease. Know your farmer! For sources of raw milk, go to our WHERE pages or contact your nearest local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Our mission is to show you how easy real food is to make and how delicious it is to eat. Bread is only the beginning of what we do. Sure, we offer top-of-the-line kitchen equipment and a complete line of grains, beans, sweeteners and other natural foods and we have more than 100 co-op locations throughout the country. But whether through our live and online cooking classes, our books, CDs or our online archive of videos and recipes, nutritional education is our true goal. Here�s why.

What passes for food today bears little resemblance to the living organisms God created. The only way to know what you�re eating is to make it yourself. We�ll teach you how to do it in just a few minutes a day and help you take the first steps to a healthier life. Fatigue, sinus problems, constipation, high cholesterol and even warts are just some of the conditions our customers and our own families have overcome by rejecting processed foods and fueling our bodies with the whole, delicious fuel they were designed to use.


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