"Live Free or Die" - New Hampshire's State Motto


America has (apparently) been given a second chance with the re-election of Donald Trump as President. Please pray for him and his team that they remain safe and are able to "unburden us from what has been" (as the Communists, like Kamala Harris, like to say). --- The American flag has been flying upside-down as a sign of national distress since the beginning of the Biden regime. I look forward to turning it upright when Trump is able to take office. GOD BLESS America and the Trump Team!!

"In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."


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Welcome to the Liberty Center of New Hampshire, in the United Socialist States of Amerika (U.S.S.A), officially now a banana republic where liberal Democrats are never prosecuted for their crimes for which they falsely accuse God-fearing, patriotic conservatives and Republicans.

This site is dedicated to the concepts of liberty, including various sound money currencies, precious metals/coins, and personal liberty/sovereignty.


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 Donald Trump has now been certified as President Elect!

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